
Hi there, I'm safoan - I'm 22 y/o web3/fullstack developer, I like building new things and innovate, I enjoy blockchain and design.

Right now I'm building a decentralised VC platform operating on web3 spacethat allow everyone to have exposure to early stage companies foundraising



a fullstack social media app like omegle but for messaging build with Nextjs + typescript + tailwindcss + prisma


a fullstack time track app build with react + tailwindcss + express/sql


personal site build with nextjs


a fullstack social media app like reddit build with Nextjs + typescript + tailwindcss + pusherjs

a decentralised foundraising app build with solidity + nextjs and TS


Smart contracts builds with solidity and hardhat + TS for units tests

platform who connects consultants and students fully working + payment integrated

decentralised application where user can stake/ unstake their eth and earn stacking rewards built with solidity for the smart contracts + hardhat for the dev environement on backend size and nextjs + viem + wagmi on client side

Dapp Built with on the ERC4626 implementation who takes USDC as underlined assets and give to stakers vSUsdc with 1.5% apy and takes 0.5% for deposit and withdraws Built used solidity + viem + wagmi + wallet connect for the wallet integration and hardhat for the contracts environment

a decentralised VC leveraging the power of community to build a more fair and distributed investment power among the participants


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safoan touil